
I love technology

Hi, my name is Jon

I have always loved and wanted to work closely with technology. I am most happy and relaxed when I am exploring the possibilities of new technology. I find I am more relaxed learning a new language or tinkering with a project than I am doing pretty much anything else.

Using technology also usually comes easily to me. I don't know something as soon as I use it, but generally though searching I can quickly find my way around.

Without much prior development experience, within a week I built and deployed my first Ruby on Rails project (this time included learning RoR). I highly enjoyed this project and have since continued to support it and have also now built multiple applications that are part of the same ecosystem.

My professional experience is on backend technology. I can write CSS and JavaScript, but I simply don't have the eye for it. So when building a new project I have worked with more traditional designers to build a better service.



Software Engineer (Devops)


Network Operations Engineer


System Administrator II


Quality Engineer


Quality Assurance

Transparent Language

My Skills

Continuous Integration (Jenkins)
6 years
5 years
Ruby on Rails
5 years
System Administration
3 years
Quality Assurance
3 years
2 years

My Projects

All of the projects below are personal projects that I continue to develop and maintain. Anywhere that work was done by a third party I discuss on each page.
Note: The "Service Consolidation" below was me taking previously seperate projects and combining them for SEO

My References

Contact information can be provided

Jon is a capable, detail-oriented engineer,who is passionate about automation that makes systems better and processes more lightweight. Jon's deep knowledge of Git and Jenkins made him an expert contributor upon whom our entire Engineering organization could rely.

Not content to rest on his laurels, Jon pursues new knowledge wherever it may present itself, and in short order was up to his elbows in the guts of Linux infrastructure and the Puppet automation to deploy and manage it.

Finally, Jon maintains a level head and steady hand on the tiller during operational emergencies, which can be a force-multiplier when the team is dealing with customer-facing production issues.

James S
Former OPS Manager, Zipcar, LinkedIn Recommendation
I am so glad I had the opportunity to work with Jon for the past year and a half. His background in QA and passion for high quality code made him an indispensable member of our team. Jon is a Jenkins expert and a Git wizard, and on many occasions he has bailed out the engineering team with his superior version control untangling skills! He always managed to come up with projects that increased our efficiency as a team, such as various improvements to our chat bots in Slack and better streamlining of our automation. I learned so much working with Jon, and he was an incredibly valuable asset to our team.
Melinda G
Former OPS Team Member, Zipcar, LinkedIn Recommendation

Jon and I worked together for several years, and he distinguished himself in many ways.

When I first started as a quality engineer at Zipcar, Jon was also a QE, and introduced me to the environment. Without him helping out I wouldn't have been able to get up to speed nearly as fast.

Jon oversaw the nuts and bolts of our release process, and when he got tired of monitoring the increasingly complex system manually, he branched out into writing his own code. He taught himself Ruby scripting and developed a complex system of Jenkins jobs and scripts. Some of these jobs automatically configured the testing and development environments that engineers had been manually configuring every week, which saved everyone a great deal of time and angst. Others automated the weekly process of locking a release candidate, which affected me directly, as I had taken over the process and was getting tired of doing it manually every Friday!

Jon's willingness to take on new challenges on his own initiative solved a lot of problems at Zipcar, and he was always willing to lend a hand when colleagues needed help with the finer points of git or Jenkins. There have already been several occasions in the past week where I've hit a snag and though, "Hmm, I always asked Heckman what to do when I saw errors like this...!"

James M
Former QE Team Member, Zipcar, LinkedIn Recommendation